Register as a customer of Dutch Protect Flooring and place an order. For every € 1 you spend in our webshop, you will receive 5 loyalty points. You can use these points at your next order for a nice discount of up to 5%. You can see immediately how many points a product is worth on our webshop.
After your order is completed you can view your point balance in your account.
Each point has a value of € 0.01. On your next order you can use these points to get up to max 5% discount on this order.
Saved points are not transferable because they are linked to your personal account. You can redeem them by placing an order with Dutch Protect Flooring. The savings points have no cash value. This also applies to articles that are returned and for which points have been redeemed for a discount.
Saved points are valid for up to 6 months after receipt. So make sure you turn them in on time. It is a shame if they expire. About a week before your points expire, you will receive an email from us with a reminder.
If you return the item without an exchange for another item, the points saved will be deducted from the total. In case of an exchange, the already saved points remain valid, even if the exchanged article is worth more or less points. If you redeem points for a discount and return the item without an exchange, then unfortunately you will lose the points.
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